Cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists

Revealing Culture - HeadOn

Live portraits take place at Tate Modern through the first half of 2010 featuring a range of prominent figures within the disability world. Sophie Morgan, Fashion Model and runner up in the, television reality show 'The Missing Model' will pose on the 29 January. Deborah Wilkinson, creative producer of Reality Productions, will come to Tate Modern on 15 February. The final sitter will be Baroness Campbell, of Surbiton, D.B.E who is an active Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords and has developed a changing disability culture in terms of Human Rights and Independent Living, campaigning for 'Living with Dignity' and the right to live as we choose.

Additional Sitters include: Sir Bert Massie CBE former chair of the Disability Rights Commission, has been appointed as the new Commissioner for the Compact, the agreement that strives to develop links between public, voluntary and community organizations. Dr Sonali Shah, social scientist, Leeds University, Deborah Wilkinson, creative producer of Reality Productions; Michele Taylor, Arts Consultant; Garry Robson Artistic Director of Fittings Multimedia Arts Sir William Laurence: is the Great Great Grandfather of Sergeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria and Granted a Baronetcy in 1867 of Ealing Park.; The peoples choice!: this will be a portrait chosen by the public using social networks, BBC Ouch!, Facebook, Flicker.

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