Cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists

The DASH Library

DASH are working together with artists, audiences and arts workers, and drawing on the knowledge and recommendation of various contributors to develop a library of resources relating to art and disability.

We are curating this resource which will serve to broaden understanding of the lived experiences of others and help us to think critically, through non-fiction titles, studies, biographies, and fiction written by or about disabled people, as well as podcasts, lectures, interviews, social media resources, how-to guides and more.

We are currently developing an online searchable catalogue, but for those looking for something to get stuck into in the meantime we recommend The Future is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes and Mourning Songs by Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, available in all good bookstores and through audiobook platforms.

If you have a suggestion for an addition to the library, please contact